南京康源乳业机械有限公司,是历经多次重组改制发展而成,至今已走过了20多个春秋,已成为专业生产畜牧产品的供运商。本公司主要产品有各种形式挤奶机,真空泵系列,奶泵系列,硅胶产品,不锈钢制品等。网络关键词:挤奶机、真空泵挤奶机、挤奶机真空泵、挤奶机配件。 多年来我们致力于挤奶机的研制和开发,综合了同行业中先进的技术和经验,生产出多种形式的挤奶设备,康源公司由于良好的品质和积极的服务,现已覆盖天津,北京、河北、内蒙古、山东、山西、黑龙江等省市,并赢得顾客一致的好评。我们与客户一起肩并肩地共同建立一个互惠互利的关系。 康源人的宗旨:以信誉求生存,以质量求发展 康源人的理念:以人为本,以科技为导向,诚信协作 ,创新进取!Dairy Machinery Co., Ltd. Nanjing Cogent is restructuring evolved several times, has been through more than 20 spring and autumn, has become specialized in the production of livestock products for carriers. Our main products are various forms of milking machines, vacuum pump series, milk pump, silicone products, stainless steel products.Internet Keywords: milking machine, vacuum milking machine, milking machine vacuum pumps, milking machine accessories. Over the years we are committed to milking machine research and development, integrated with the industry in advanced technology and experience to produce various forms of milking equipment, and Sport because good quality source of the company and active service, now covers Tianjin , Beijing, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Shanxi, and Heilongjiang provinces, and won unanimous praise customers. We are together side by side with customers to establish a mutually beneficial relationship. Cogent's purpose: to the credibility of survival, quality and development Cogent's philosophy: people-oriented, technology-oriented, good faith cooperation, innovative and enterprising!